Dungeons & Dragons 3 Movie Review [video]


What is the Story of the Film? Elite magicians called “mages” dominate the Empire of Izmer, while commoners are helpless. In order to remove Empress Savina, the wicked wizard Profion view source plans to use magic.

Decker's Review for Dungeons & Dragons 3. Following the disappointments of the Dungeons & Dragons film in 2000 and Wrath of the Dragon God in 2005, it took until 2012 for the third effort at a film about a renowned adventure set in the domain of the iconic game. Legends. But this time they've increased the ante. Instead of following Marlon Wayans' Hollywood adventure or the gaming session translated to film in the second film, we get a game session turned to film from an EVIL campaign. That certainly adds to the entertainment, especially as the best role players routinely kill one another before completing their games.


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